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18 Chazak st.
Tel Aviv-Yafo, Tel Aviv District



Check This Out


Instagram accounts all Israeli design fan must  follow Article in 

Top 5 Israeli Artists to Follow on Instagram on theculturetrip. 

Screen Shot 2015-02-10 at 8.23.12 PM.png

Follow Now: @OhadBenit
 By: Emily Weiner
Timeout Magazin


Street Fashion: Special Project for Haaretz Photoblog 

Do Touch. By the Benit Brothers about our fashion editorial on TELAVIVIAN Magazine.

FEED ME 2# on dezignzoom  by Sigal Namir


Ohad Benit | Blocks of Moving Colors
an article On DesignBreak Blog.

Homemade Workshop by Ohad Benit What is the difference between a maker and a designer? TELAVIVIAN article.

FEED/ME #2 on Byfar Blog by Yuval Saar


Meet Our Designers: MISHMAACOOL by Ohad Benit - Interview for TELAVIVIAN Magazine.

10 Instagram accounts you must know. on the Blog 
אז מה את עושה כל היום
אפרת ליכטנשטט 

Mishmaacool +   An article in DesignBreak. 

Avenue Designers 
'AT' magazine article.
esign of our flat in Tel Aviv. 

Who is John Galt?
'AT' magazine article by
Sigal Namir. 

On ThE SpOt' Mishmaacool + About the exhibition on ReDesign. 

Various Group Exhibitions and Special events


Old Jaffa 
Tel-aviv accessible art fair.


30 Days. Concept store.


Future Designers 2007 
Future Exhibit 07, is the second exhibition was designed in Israel as part of the exhibition presents selected works of the graduates completed all design schools in Israel.


TiMe 02 
An Experimental Design Exhibition That Was Opened In Jerusalem On November 25th 2010, And Is A Part Of The Design Week In Jerusalem.

DesignSpace An industrial designers Exhibition.

ALIX DE ROTHSCHILD Crafts Awards Breaking The Mould

ShopLifters Present my works at ShopLifters TLV 2014

On the Spot exhibition about the exhibition on ReDesign.

Possibility Of A Book Zommer Gallery JHON GALT DesboX.

Israeli Art Exhibition for AIDS
With Tag.Me.Not

Houses Within Showing the Tel Aviv Apartment 80 sqm.