Different is Better than better
When Roy David from Roy David Studio calls me and tells me: Listen there is a crazy project I am doing to the Aleph VC VC now and you must come urgently to see the place. I stand. Leaving everything and coming. Why? Because he's always interesting with him. Always a boxer. Makes me think and in the end because both he and I are very motivated, so it's exciting too. At least ourselves, and that's enough too. 9:30 am Tour on site (is still under renovation) Conservation building. Already looks amazing. As Roy knows how to do. Rise up the curved staircase with the old guarded railing and already a scent of elegance spread in the air, despite the smells of cement dust scattered everywhere. Inside, the place is stunning. Bright and so quiet about the visual and auditory noise that lies at the Rothschild Center and more on the Allenby Junction. (People outside the bubble can also imagine) "forward. Dude, that's the wall. Space is modular and will be used for various functions and a clear message from the company needs to be delivered. " I made a presentation with a variety of ideas, one of the clear ideas that is very suitable for applying there precisely in the concept of the essence of the company and its business is; # Eight or two (The Mythical Stories I Created at the Time Based on Poetry Texts) But this time in a different way. I suggested that I make observations within the companies where the fund invests and create 100 different stories from the observations in the different companies. The idea intrigued them greatly and a meeting with the amazing Yael Elad was scheduled. Morning or lunch coffee (can't remember already) sit and Yael says the idea is very nice, but they have a kind of slogan for the company she prefers to implement. 'DIFFERENT IS BETTER THAN BETTER' The truth ?! At first, I was a little alarmed. I am not a signage man. And what else is laser cutting of letters from such or other material ... But the sentence! The sentence is so true! So much in line with the thought I so strongly believe in: "You will not see eye to eye, nor will you fill an ear. What it was, is what it is, and what is done, is that it does; And there is nothing new, under the sun ... (Ecclesiastes Chapter 1) So wholeheartedly I believe there is nothing new under the sun, But there is each and every one of us and me and you like one in the world. just one. Just one. And here it is me and my work, it is mine. It belongs to me. It came out of my heart from the palm of my hand, and in fact, each of us is beautiful and unique in its own way. The real distinction between creation and creation, between her actions and her actions is who created it, It is the human race along with the cargo, the movement, the emotion, the thought, et cetera. So from this place of my strong connection from days to the trial that Yael said, I told myself that I must convey this message that ultimately the difference is between the people and the beauty is in the people and their differences. So I decided to write the sentence as well as try to connect it to the previous idea that maybe even more accurate is how to bring the sentence to the wall. 2,000 1:50 miniature characters. 2,000 expressive figures, with gestures of movement, on the border of feeling, talking and "living." These characters became one sentence. One sentence that connects all the differences between them into one key. To one body. The choice to leave them white sharpens the issue of equality between us as human beings for their race, gender, and religion. Sharpen the difference of difference. From a distance it looks like another sentence / slogan a little fuzzy / a little blurry, When approaching understand; On the wall are 2,000 different figures who, in their own right and being, wrote this wonderful sentence. This is one of the simplest jobs I've ever done. With careful planning and hanging work, basically tailored to small hands. (Less I am on principle, but when needed they are smaller) Still, with endless patience and with the wonderful help of Hagar Nissimov and Karni Reshef we stuck to one another. (I already said handmade? So in this case hands) With great attention as if they were human, As if alive. we.
PHOTO BY Yoav Gurin