Must have
Special Project for FICKLE Magazine
The Hand As A Language. Daily Life Is Full Of Hand Gestures.
More Times Than Others, Our Language Can be Formed By Our Gestures Alone. They Have Been Rooted In Us As A Part Of A Logical Action That Expresses Thought. #Foodforthought Is A Series Of Hand Gesture That Symbolise An Overall Physical And Emotional Action. Feelings, Thoughts, Daily Routine Actions That We Make Use Of, By Which We Decode Behaviour. "As My Hands Labour And My Thoughts Act Out, Emotion Creeps In. Into Myself, Into Realness, Decoding My Interior". (Me Myself & i)
Must be an Unforgivable memory. Extending the right arm in the air with a straightened hand.
Must be cool down. Raised middle finger
Must be demons around here. Extending index and pinky fingers while holding the middle and ring fingers down.
Must be psycho. Thumb raised, middle and index pointing forward, ring and pinky folded in
Must have a punch soon. Five finger edges gathered.
Must have fate control. index and middle finger crossed.
Must have leverage. Middle, ring & pinky fingers up, while index and thumb form circle.
Must have manners. Left hand resting on fisted right arm.
Must have satisfaction. Index and middle fingers are raised, while rest of the fingers are clenched.
Must have someone to point your finger at. Index finger flexed.
Must have the beat. Thumb & middle finger form friction.