Down To Earth
Materials: Aluminium, Galvanised metal, Concrete
Materials: Aluminium, Iron metal, Brass
Materials: Stainless steel ,Galvanised metal
Materials: Brushed Aluminium, Copper, Brass, Iron metal
Materials: Brushed Aluminium, Copper
Materials: Aluminium, Iron metal, Galvanised metal
Materials: Brushed Aluminium, Concrete, Brass
Materials: Aluminium, Copper
ART & Original sound by Ohad Benit
ART Direction & Edit by Roni Azgad
DOP- Ofer Ben Yehuda
׳Down To Earth׳
Cos x Ohad Benit
A physical extension to fashion terminology with forms and materials.
This installation creates a dialogue between colour palates and textures, between forms and imagery, Mixing soft and hard materials hanging down to earth. Creativity and original hand made work, using local materials that surround me.
Integrating an artistic mix that transmits innovation
The installation is made up of a collection of formal compositions, some of which are made of sustainable materials, which hang throughout the space.
The industrial glass tubes used to hang the compositions are illuminated from the inside and give a sense of depth thanks to the play of light and shadow.
The finished geometric elements are made of a variety of materials made from tactile-experimental handmade
Use special tools specifically designed for this creation.
Down To Earth in the first sense refers to gravity and its effect on the shape of the "downward" geometric elements as the appearance of clothes hanging on a rope. The installation is a complex of contrasts that inspire interest and thought: the contrast between the material's original properties and the sense of lightness and hoveriness that the composition gives it. The form of hanging and contrast between the terms is soft and hard, conducting a dialogue between the visible and the dimensions thanks to the intensity of the illumination planted in the pipes. The construction of a building, was inspired by the 100 years mark of the Bauhaus movement. The graphical occurrence and artistic experience created by the ongoing dialogue between form-material-color, intersect with the aesthetic of this style and in particular with the works of Hungarian painter and photographer Leslow Moholi-Neji.
This project was done in collaboration with the fashion brand COS
All Photos by Itay Benit